Only private breeders can advertise on these pages. If you are selling as a commercial business we can link to your site on the links list.
While this site remains largely under construction and hosted free this service will be free.
When this site moves from free hosting to privately hosted no adds will be placed on your page or pages.
This site will be published to all major search engines and your pages will include tags that search engines will recognize increasing your chances that your page will be listed.
Your lists can be multi or single pages and may include pictures. Prices will be adjusted by the file size of your pages.
Your lists will be set up per your instructions and columns and table settings will be built per your request.
A logo may be included as well as other links such as mail to and contact links.
Prices will be based on the cost of the private hosting of this site and by all means will be kept as low as possible.
Lists will be updated per your request using e-mail and will be updated on a bi-weekly basis (every two weeks)